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Please contact us to set up a FREE consultation to discuss the programs and the process of how things work strategically within our programs for a more effective, long-term solution for mental health and wellness. Contact us at
Child therapists at Children’s Hospital of Orange County stated that providers and parents agree that mental and physical health are intertwined and that a holistic health plan is the most effective for long term health, (Orange County Business Journal, May 2019).
Dr. Uma extensively studied the brain/gut correlation and found that, “Serotonin, a key chemical deficient in the brains of depressed and anxious people, plays a major role in regulating the gut-brain axis. Serotonin is one of the most buzzed-about brain chemicals because of its role in mood and emotion, but did you know that more than 90 percent of serotonin receptors are found in the gut? In fact, some researchers believe that the brain-serotonin deficit is heavily influenced by the gut…” (This is your brain on food).
Some client testimonials
“Hi Ms. Goetz, we started your program 3 weeks ago and things have already greatly improved with our son. His mood is much better and the anxiety is getting better each week as he works with the scheduling and self-talk modification part of the program. Our relationship with him is much improved as well. We aren’t the ‘bad guys’ anymore, in fact he comes to us often to talk and tell us about his good day, or accomplishments, or how he’s ‘beaten anxiety or depression’ that day. I can’t believe how things have turned in just a few weeks. The changes that we’ve made are life long and we’re excited to see where things go from here! Happy Holidays, Grant”
“Good morning Sara, I don’t even know where to begin. It’s hard work but Stella is like a completely different person. She’s present, happy and appearing as though she’s in control. Before your program, she would say that anxiety or depression controlled her and that really determined what kind of day she had, and what kind of day our family had. We used to be so worried about her but now she is so confident. It’s been a great change! Talk to you in a few days, Bruce”
“Hi Sara, well we just finished week 3 and we’ve learned so much! The information in each weekly webinar has been instrumental in the changes we’ve had to make. I don’t know how we got so off track over the years but the changes you’ve suggested have actually helped the entire family and not just Matt. It’s crazy just how much everything’s connected! Matt told me that he’s liked how reflective he’s become and aware of his feelings around different situations. He’s made some really great schedule changes as well which he’s stated make him feel like he’s more in control of his life. He’s happier and we’re talking more as a family so things are definitely improving! Looking forward to our talk with you this week. Happy holidays! Lynette”
“Hi Ms. Goetz, I just wanted to let you know that we’ve seen a lot of improvement with Matt’s overall behavior as well as our connection with him. He’s even shared with us that he feels happier and is gaining control of his thoughts again. As a whole things have improved greatly, now we are just trying to stick to the physical health changes that you’ve suggested. I can definitely see how the foods we were eating impacted our mental health…and limiting social media and the news has made a huge difference! 🙂 Thanks again! Best regards, Debbie”
More from our book:
Reflection vs. Analysis
There’s a fine line between reflecting and analyzing one’s thoughts, feelings, and situations that have happened. Reflecting on what happened, why something triggered a reaction or how you might want to respond differently in the future is a great way to learn and grow. Reflecting is a light, non-judgmental way to review a situation. Analyzing a situation takes reflecting to a much deeper, self-sabotaging mental space. Not much, if anything at all, is learned from analyzing because this leaves the person feeling awful about the situation and about oneself.
As a child and adult therapist, I have noticed with my patients, that light reflection at the end of the day can be very useful. Reflecting on the good things that happened that day can leave the individual feeling accomplished and have a positive impact on their confidence and self-worth. Reflecting on the negative things that happened that day or the issues that triggered anxiety or depression symptoms can help the individual make changes to their daily schedule to avoid triggers or treat them like exposure therapy and use proactive tools to cope with triggers in a healthier way.
Look at the last few days and notice times when you analyzed a situation, event, conversation, or something that might be coming up. Now look back and notice times when you reflected on situations, events, conversations or something coming up. Can you notice a difference in how you physically and mentally felt between the times you reflected versus the times you analyzed something?
“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”
Henry David Thoreau
A research study done by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that running for 15 minutes or walking for one hour per day reduces the risk of depression by 26%. Exercise promotes positive change and growth in the brain, including neural growth, inflammation reduction, and can create new activity patterns within the brain that promotes feelings of calm and well-being. Exercising causes the brain to release endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your mood and make you feel good. Exercise is also a healthy distraction that can be great for breaking unhealthy patterns. Many child and adult therapists agree that exercise requires mindfulness for the present moment and a focus on your body which is a great way to eliminate anxiety symptoms. The body and mind are directly connected, therefore, when your body feels good, your brain will feel good as well.
If you are interested in learning more about our holistic online therapy programs, please reach out to set up a FREE consultation.