Online Therapy Programs
Teen Online Therapy Program
Child therapists have developed this program for teens suffering with anxiety and/or depression who have either tried traditional methods of therapy and haven’t gotten the results they’ve wanted, or for those who are new to the therapy process and want to start with something new, holistic and effective. There are two versions of this program; the 8-week program and the 12-week program. The program is structured in a way that it promotes self-reflection and growth through webinars, workbooks and bi-weekly consultations. The webinars give information regarding common and potentially hidden underlying causes of anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia and other mental and emotional problems. The workbooks (created by child therapists) help clients reflect on symptoms of anxiety and depression, and then moving to focus on their strengths and solutions. The bi-weekly consultations are for guidance, support and to answer any questions or concerns that clients might have about their current situation and/or their progress within the program. The teen therapy program includes aspects designed for parents so they can be an active part in their child’s therapy and progress.
Adult Online Therapy Program
This program is for adults suffering with anxiety and/or depression who have tried traditional methods of therapy but haven’t had the results that they expected. This is also for adults who want to try something that uses modern techniques that have been researched and studied for over a decade and is more effective than talk-therapy because of its holistic methods. There are two versions of this program; the 8-week program and the 12-week program. This program is also structured in a way that promotes self-reflection and growth through webinars, workbooks and bi-weekly consultations. The webinars give information regarding common and potentially hidden underlying causes of anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia and other mental and emotional problems. The workbooks (created by adult therapists) help clients reflect on symptoms of anxiety and depression, and then moving to focus on their strengths and solutions. The bi-weekly consultations are for guidance, support and to answer any questions or concerns that clients might have about their current situation and/or their progress within the program.
8-week Program vs. 12-week Program
The 8-week online programs include 4 workbooks. There are two segments of webinars each week; one that is informational and one that walks you through that week’s workbook homework. This program includes four phone or Zoom consultations. The 12-week program includes another book and two more phone or Zoom consultations.
The benefits of this comprehensive, holistic program are priceless. Its effectiveness only depends on your motivation and dedication to positive change. Please reach out to set up a FREE consultation to see if you or your child is right for this program.
What you won’t get from these programs:
hours of missed work or school
harmful medications
several doctor’s appointments
weeks or months of therapy appointments
recurring symptoms
What Teens Have Said Their Parent’s Do That Is Helpful
- Talks openly with them – giving examples from their life
- Asks open ended questions
- Models behavior – working through anxiety, setting up good/healthy schedule, self-care
- Is involved in their therapy process – for one to grow and change, everyone in the family unit needs to grow and change
- Are consciously connected to them
The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Health – Everything’s Connected
Child therapists at Children’s Hospital of Orange County stated that providers and parents agree that mental and physical health are intertwined and that a holistic health plan is the most effective for long term health, (Orange County Business Journal, May 2019). Dr. Uma Naidoo writes in her book that, “Serotonin, a key chemical deficient in the brains of depressed and anxious people, plays a major role in regulating the gut-brain axis. Serotonin is one of the most buzzed-about brain chemicals because of its role in mood and emotion, but did you know that more than 90 percent of serotonin receptors are found in the gut? In fact, some researchers believe that the brain-serotonin deficit is heavily influenced by the gut…” (This is your brain on food).
Success without Fulfillment
What are you striving for? What do you want to be successful in and why? Is it because you truly believe that you will be happy in achieving this or are there other reasons? If we have goals that aren’t aligned with our true self, we will not feel fulfilled when we achieve those goals. Having success without staying true to ourselves will leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. There are millions of people in the world who appear to “have it all,” yet are unhappy, feeling lost and unfulfilled. When setting up your goals, make sure that they are goals that are aligned with your values and dreams and not the hopes and dreams of others.
Many parents, friends, family members think that they can just tell their kids, friends, family members what to do and they will do it and it will be good for them and they will be happy and better off for it. This might make the parent, friend, family member happy and as though they have “done their job,” however, a more effective way for them to get their point across is by modeling. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory emphasizes the importance of the actions that the people we look up to in life take.
Bandura studied how people learn, and a large percentage of how and what we learn, how we behave and the choices we make, comes from watching others to see how they handle different situations in their life. Rather than telling others how to behave or what to do, consider modeling healthy behaviors such as self-care, mindfulness and coping skills.
Reflect on how your parent’s (guardian’s) behaved and what they said while you were growing up. How your parent’s behaved, what they thought, and how they viewed different situations will greatly impact how you view things. Once you know what was modeled for you and the impact that it had on your thoughts and behavior, you can gradually make changes so that you can experience things differently. I’ve had several patients who have had fears and they have no idea where they have come from. However, after discussing how their parents behaved and what their beliefs were growing up, it was clear to them that the fear was actually their parent’s and they projected it onto my patient.