7845 Harwood Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 262-492-1090

7 Ways To De-Stress

7 Proven Things You Can do to Get Rid of Stress   
1. Stop what you are doing and take a long deep breath. Slowly breathing in and slowly breathing out. When we are really stressed out, we tend to take a very shallow, short breaths which can actually increase...

Meditation and ADHD

Meditation and ADHD ADHD: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments   Throughout the day do you notice yourself focusing more on the negative things and things that you are worried about or do you notice thaThe first documented cases of ADHD were in 1904. Genetic...

Optimizing Mental Health and Wellness

Optimizing Mental Health and Wellness What do you focus on?   Throughout the day do you notice yourself focusing more on the negative things and things that you are worried about or do you notice that you are focused more on things that you’ve done well or things...

What is Holistic Health?

What is Holistic Health? Anxiety Symptoms Excessive worrying, Feeling Agitated, Restlessness, Fatigue, Difficulty Concentrating, Racing Heart, Dizziness, Nausea, Lump in the throat, Heart palpitations, Sudden weight loss, Feel like passing out, Sweating, Shaking, Knot...